Guidance for Report Statements

Purpose: NSHS is releasing the following statements for use on reports of NSHS accredited results. The purpose is to clarify which results in a report can be used for phytosanitary certification, and to promote standardized wording on reports when using NSHS accredited activities to obtain a phytosanitary certificate. Use of these statements is not required, but highly encouraged if a reference to NSHS is placed on issued reports.

Seed Health Testing

’Your Laboratory Name here’ is accredited by the National Seed Health System to perform seed health testing for this pathogen-host combination using the approved NSHS method. Accreditation and method verification online at*

* If a report contains both accredited and non-accredited test results, use asterisks to indicate a footnote statement indicating the specific tests performed under NSHS accreditation. 

Seed Sampling

’Your company name here’ is accredited by the National Seed Health System for seed sampling. Accreditation verification online at

Visual Inspection

’Your company name here’ is accredited by the National Seed Health System for visual inspection. Accreditation verification online at

Field Inspection

’Your company name here’ is accredited by the National Seed Health System for phytosanitary field inspection of this crop. Verification online at