NSHS Methods List & Codes

DATE: Current as of 04.01.2025

Crop Pathogen Method Code Former Code Class NSHS Version Date
Bean Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola Dilution and plating, followed by Pathogenicity Test (ISTA 7-023: ver 1.5) Be 1.2 St 1.5 3/1/2024
Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae Agar Plate Assay (Mohan and Schaad, 1987) Be 2.1 TSt 1.0 12/2012
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli ISTA Method (7-021: ver 3.3) Be 3.1 St 1.5 3/1/2024
Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens Selective Media Assay Be 4.3 TSt 1.2 4/2025
Colletotrichum lindemuthianum ISTA Method (7-006: ver 1.6) Be 5.1 TSt 1.3 3/1/2024
 Pea Ascochyta pisi ISTA Method (7-005: ver 1.5) Pe 1.1 St 1.3 3/1/2024
Pea Seedborne Mosaic Virus ISTA Method (7-024: ver 1.5) Pe 2.1 St 1.3 3/1/2024
Pea Early Browning Virus ISTA Method (7-024: ver 1.5) Pe 3.1 St 1.3 3/1/2024
Pseudomonas syringae pv pisi ISTA Method (7-029: ver 1.3) Pe 4.1 St 1.3 3/1/2024
Brassica Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris ISTA Method (7-019a: ver 6.0; 7-019b: ver 1.3) Br 1.1 St 1.3 1/1/2022
Phoma lingam Freeze Blotter (ISTA 7-004: ver 2.2) Br 2.1 St 1.4 3/1/2024
 Carrots Xanthomonas hortorum pv. carotae NSHS Method Rb 1.1 St 2.1 2/19/2024
Alternaria dauci ISTA Method (7-001a: ver 1.6; 7-001b: ver 1.6) Rb 2.1 St 1.3 3/1/2024
Alternaria dauci Direct Plating/Blotter Method (Sunseeds) Rb 2.2 St 1.0 2002
Alternaria radicina ISTA Method (7-002a: ver 1.5) Rb 3.1 St 1.3 3/1/2024
 Cucurbits Acidovorax citrulli Seedling grow-out Cb 1.1 St 1.1 2017
Acidovorax citrulli CSPL PCR Assay Cb 1.5 TSt 1.0 12/2012
Acidovorax citrulli ISHI Method (version 2.0, May 2021) Cb 1.6 St 2.0 05/2021
Didymella bryoniae PCR (Ling et al., 2010) Cb 2.1 TSt 1.0 12/2012
Didymella bryoniae Vegetables Blotter Assay Cb 2.2 TSt 1.0 2001
Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus ISTA Method (7-026: ver 1.5) Cb 3.1 TSt 1.3 3/1/2024
Melon necrotic spot virus ISTA Method (7-026: ver 1.5) Cb 4.1 TSt 1.3 3/1/2024
Squash mosaic virus (SMV) ISTA Method (7-026: ver 1.5) Cb 5.1 TSt 1.3 3/1/2024
Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. niveum Freeze Blotter (Syngenta) Cb 6.1 TSt 1.0 11/2014
 Celery Septoria apiicola Seed Wash (STA Laboratories) Lcb 1.1 St 1.0 2001
Phoma apiicola Grow-out (Hewitt, 1971) Lcb 2.1 TSt 1.0 2001
 Spinach Peronospora farinosa f.sp. spinaciae Wash Test (Inaba et al., 1983) Lcb 3.1 TSt 1.0 12/2012
Peronospora farinosa f.sp. spinaciae Wash Test (CDFA) Lcb 3.2 TSt 1.0 12/2012
Verticillium dahliae Freeze Blotter, ISTA Method (7-032: ver 1.3) Lcb 4.1 St 1.3 3/1/2024
Verticillium dahliae NP-10 Agar, ISTA Method (7-032: ver 1.3) Lcb 4.2 St 1.3 3/1/2024
Cucumber mosaic virus Seedling grow-out and ELISA (Yang et al., 1997) Lcb 5.1 St 1.0 12/2012
Stemphylium botryosum f. sp. spinacia Freeze Blotter (Hernandez-Perez and du Toit, 2016) Lcb 6.1 St 1.0 12/2012
 Coriander Pseudomonas syringae pv. coriandricola Selective Media Test (STA Laboratories) Lcb 7.1 St 1.0 2001
 Lettuce Lettuce mosaic virus Chenopodium Assay (Kimble et al., 1975) Lcb 8.1  Cv 1.1 St 1.0 2001
Lettuce mosaic virus ISHI-Vegetables Method (version 4.3, July 2017) Lcb 8.2  Cv 1.2 St 1.1 6/04/2021
 Corn Salad Acidovorax valerianellae ISTA Method ( 7-030: ver 1.3) Lcb 9.1 St 1.2 3/1/2024
 Solanaceae (Tomato/Pepper) Xanthomonas spp. ISHI-Vegetables Method (pepper, version 5, 2013) So 1.1 TSt 1.2 05/2022
Xanthomonas spp. ISHI-Vegetables Method (tomato, version 4, 2011) So 1.2 TSt 1.2 05/2022
Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. michiganensis ISHI-Vegetables Method (version 4.3.1, 2017) So 2.1 St 1.1 07/2021
Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato CDFA Method So 3.1 St 1.0 2001
Pepino Mosaic Virus ISHI Method (version 5 2021) So 4.1 TSt 2.0 05/2021
Tobamoviruses (TMV, ToMV, PMMov) ISTA Method (7-028: ver 1.4)-Tomato; ISF Jan 2007-Pepper So 5.1 TSt 1.4 3/1/2024
Pospiviroids (CLVd, PCFVd, PSTVd, TASVd, TCDVd and TPMVd) TaqMan RT-PCR Method, National Seed Health System (NSHS) So 6.1 St 1.4 03/2024
Tomato Brown Rugose (ToBRFV) TaqMan RT-PCR Method, National Seed Health System (NSHS) So 7.1 St 2.2 02/2024
 Onion Alternaria porri Agar Plate Method (Aveling et al., 1993) On 1.1 TSt 1.0 12/2013
Stemphylium vesicarium S. vesicarium On 2.1 TSt 1.0 12/2013
 Maize Stenocarpella maydis Culture plate (ISU) Mz 1.1  Cf 1.1 St 1.0 2001
Cochliobolus carbonum ISU Freezing Blotter Method (McGee, 1994) Mz 2.1  Cf 2.1 St 1.0 2001
Cochliobolus heterostrophus ISU Freezing Blotter Method (McGee, 1994) Mz 3.1  Cf 3.1 St 1.0 2001
Ustilago maydis/Sphacelotheca reiliana Wash Test (McGee, 1988) Mz 4.1  Cf 4.1 St 1.0 2001
Sclerophthora macrospora Direct Visual method (CIMMYT) Mz 5.1  Cf 5.1 St 1.0 2001
Peronosclerospora sorghi Grow-out (Adenle and Cardwell, 2000) Mz 6.1  Cf 6.1 St 1.0 2001
Fusarium Blotter (Singh et al., 1974) Mz 7.1  Cf 8.2 St 1.0 2001
Penicillium oxalicum Blotter test (Handoo and Aulakh, 1979) Mz 8.1  Cf 9.1 St 1.0 2001
Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. nebraskensis sCNS Culture Plate Method (Shepherd, 1999) Mz 9.1  Cb 1.1 St 1.0 2001
Pantoea stewartii ELISA (Lamka et al., 1991) Mz 10.1  Cb 2.1 St 2.2 03/2025
Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus ELISA (Iowa State University/Agdia Inc kit) Mz 11.1  Cb 3.1 TSt 1.2 10/2020
Maize Chlorotic Mottle Virus ELISA Mz 12.1  Cb 4.1 TSt 1.2 10/2020
Cercospora zeae-maydis Culture Plate Mz 13.1  Cf 10.1 RNSP 1.0 2001
Kabatiella zeae Culture Plate Mz 14.1  Cf 11.1 RNSP 1.0 2001
Phyllosticta maydis Culture Plate Mz 15.1  Cf 12.1 RNSP 1.0 2001
 Soybean Cercospora kikuchii Culture Plate (Jordan et al., 1986) Sb 1.1  Sf 1.1 St 1.0 2001
Cercospora kikuchii Blotter (McGee and Nyvall, 1984) Sb 1.2  Sf 1.2 St 1.0 2001
Phomopsis/Diaporthe spp. Culture plate (McGee, 1986) Sb 2.1  Sf 2.1 St 1.0 2001
Phomopsis/Diaporthe spp. Blotter (McGee and Nyvall, 1984) Sb 2.2  Sf 2.2 St 1.0 2001
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Culture plate (Totir, 2000) Sb 3.1  Sf 3.1 St 1.0 2001
Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea Soaked bulk seed – Biochemical confirmation Sb 4.1  Sb 2.1 St 1.1 2022
Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea Ground bulk seed – Serological and pathogenicity Sb 4.2  Sb 2.2 St 1.1 2022
Tobacco Ringspot Virus ELISA (Iowa State University/Agdia Inc kit) Sb 5.1  Sv 1.1 TSt 1.2 10/2020
Tomato Ringspot Virus ELISA (Iowa State University/Agdia Inc kit) Sb 6.1  Sv 2.1 TSt 1.2 10/2020
Soybean Mosaic Virus ELISA (Iowa State University/Agdia Inc kit) Sb 7.1  Sv 3.1 TSt 1.2 10/2020
Bean Pod Mottle Virus ELISA (Iowa State University/Agdia Inc kit) Sb 8.1  Sv 4.1 TSt 1.2 10/2020

Approved methods are classified as follows:

St: Standard (A)
TSt: Temporary standard (B)
RNSP: Regulated non-seedborne pathogens